Windwisker's Blog

Just another weblog

Ginger June 11, 2011

Filed under: Recipes — windwisker @ 6:01 pm

Ginger is really one of my favorite flavors. The sharp, but sweet taste and smell is so refreshing. I made ginger ale and crystalized ginger yesterday. The ginger ale was wonderful, I will make it again. The crystalized ginger… not so much. Now I love crystalized ginger, but this was so spicy I couldn’t eat it. I need different, less potent stuff. Also I burnt it, but that was just me being stupid.


Maker’s Faire May 25, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — windwisker @ 7:44 pm

Last Saturday I went to the Maker’s Faire. It’s a tech and crafts fair in San Mateo, California. And it is so much fun! This my 3 yea going and it was just as great. Sorry I don’t have photos, but my camera died. Look at the website:

I saw Adam Savage(from MythBusters) giving a talk and Mike Rowe(from Dirty Jobs) walking around. There were all these moving, fire- spitting sculptures and a bazarre and lots of cool stuff.

Photos from other years:


Ugg… Sick…

Filed under: Uncategorized — windwisker @ 3:26 pm

I feel so bored but when I try to get out of bead my head spins. I might draw or paint a little. This is really a fairly pathetic post.

I’m spending a lot of time on       Check it out.


Kayaking April 30, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — windwisker @ 5:28 am
      I went kayaking for the first time today, and if you’ve never tried it, you’re missing a lot. I had the worry not so much that I would flip over, but that I would flip over and not be able to get to the surface. But I didn’t have any problems. I went in the beautiful marsh. There were literally otters and harbor seals and sea lions right next to us. They swam around and popped up right behind us.
     Kayaking was not difficult, but my arms were tired after three hours. I would recommend a raincoat because I got splashed with water a few times.
      On a slightly related note, baby otters are soooooo cuddly! I refrained from ditching the kayak and squeezing them, but I wanted to.

Poems April 18, 2011

Filed under: Of Silly Things and Weasles — windwisker @ 3:41 pm
In 7th grade in Literature class my teacher taught a poetry unit. She would “teach” us a poem at the beginning of every class. She pointed out the style and imagery, and made us understand the metaphors. I remember our discussion of “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes. It’s a wonderful poem. Then she had us pick 10 poems and write reflections on them (she had a large poem library). Everyone groaned at first, but then I saw people being interested. Reading what they didn’t usaully read. Writing a full page, instead of just a paragraph,  about every poem they chose. Our usually very quiet classroom was semi-noisy, but teacher didn’t mind because we were sharing poems (“Read this one, it’s good”) and asking questions (“Will you help me with the meaning of this?”). Then each of us shared a poem with the whole class. Some were good, and others not so good. I taught “Once by the Pacific” by Robert Frost.
Once by the Pacific 
Robert Frost 

The shattered water made a misty din.
Great waves looked over others coming in,
And thought of doing something to the shore
That water never did to land before.
The clouds were low and hairy in the skies,  
Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes.
You could not tell, and yet it looked as if
The shore was lucky in being backed by cliff,
The cliff in being backed by continent;
It looked as if a night of dark intent
Was coming, and not only a night, an age.
Someone had better be prepared for rage.
There would be more than ocean-water broken
Before God’s last Put out the Light was spoken.


I Love Cuttlefish April 17, 2011

Filed under: Of Silly Things and Weasles — windwisker @ 9:21 pm

What is a cuttlefish you might ask? A cuttlefish is a invertebrate cephalopod in the mollusk family. What? You didn’t understand that?  In simpler terms, it’s related to squid and octopi (plural of octopus, but I bet you knew that) and it looks like a cross between them. Watch “Nova: Kings of camouflage”, it’s a great documentary (shown on PBS) about cuttlefish.

 This is a cuttlefish! So cute!

There are over a 100 different speicies of these animal. They can acually changes colors(think octopus) and textures of their skin. My favorite is the Flambouent Cuttlefish. They are the size of your thumb, but they are poisonus, and can kill you. I seem to love poisonus cehalopods (octapi, squid, cuttlefish). Like Blue-Ringed Octopus and Pajama Squid. Look them up too, aren’t they cool looking?

So ends my Cuttlefish monologue.


Friends January 17, 2011

Filed under: Of Silly Things and Weasles — windwisker @ 9:56 pm

Is there really anything better then friends? Someone to talk to, to share with, who will be there for you. Like  your own personal sun is beating down on you. I can be brave and strong if there is someone standing behind me with support. I think Martin Luther King Jr. would agree with me, since today is MLK day.

So three cheers for MLK and friends!


Just a little personal company promotion January 16, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — windwisker @ 6:31 pm

As you don’t know, I am the co-founder of a card company.  Holiday and Greeting cards, not playing cards.

The company is called The Colorful Creative Card Company. A mouthful, huh?  So I call it the Color Card Co. Not so long. We make cards by order or just if we have already made some you like.

We can be contacted at:



Filed under: Photography — windwisker @ 6:29 pm

I really love taking photos. I’m not very good at it, but I carry my camera around everywhere and sometimes I get lucky. Sometimes I don’t. Everything has kind of a beauty to it, if you look at the right way. Well, almost everything.

I’ll post some photos I took. Please comment and tell me which one you like, or don’t like.


I am Going to Actually Write on this Blog Now

Filed under: Uncategorized — windwisker @ 6:19 pm

Ok, I know. Nobody actually reads this blog anyway. But if they did, they would be horrified by the fact that I never post stuff. That will change, I hope.